Looking Back… and Ahead

It’s been lovely to hear of performances taking place around the country and further afield this summer, mainly of organ works, but other pieces here and there as well. I was pleased to attend the Belgian premieres of three pieces in Brussles in early August, where Lassenne Vocale and conductor Ivan Yohan performed Missa Sancti Albanus (2017), Ubi Caritas (2022) and Ave Verum Corpus (2008) at the national cathedral. Looking ahead I’ll be in London in October for the London premiere of Canticum Mariae Virginis (2021) by the Marian Consort at King’s Place, and a CD launch from Caritas the day after. There are other recordings being released in the autumn and I’ll be in Blackburn in late October for a recording of my complete organ works.



The Month Ahead


The Month Ahead